The First Foot Guards
We are a Revolutionary War
reenactment group based in Boston MA,
accurately portraying the royal household regiment that is now known as
The Grenadier Guards
Very important:
Refer to our pictures of an actual surviving coat
Red wool
White wool
Blue wool
Lace, to be laid out on lapels, cuffs and pockets in "bastion loop"
Plain pewter buttons (no regimental markings).
Pipeclayed white sling
Crown Forces flashguard (mandatory)
Hammerstall (mandatory)
Bag to contain the musket is recommended.
Black leather bayonet scabbard
White pipeclayed bayonet sling
Cartridge box
Brass Guards badge
White pipeclayed cartridge box sling
Hat blank
Ferret binding
(Recommended) James Townsend OH-124 Osnaburg ($32) or linen LH-124 ($65)
At some time you will find it convenient to own two.
Black horsehair: G Gedney Godwin
White linen or wool, plain pewter buttons.
Unbleached linen (such as Townsend NL-713, $14). You might need to shorten the
sling, since they are generally long.
White fall front cotton duck trousers. Such as Townsend PA-125, $50. Plain pewter
buttons on Townsend model are appropriate.
Black duck half-spatterdashes
Black, such as Townsend CS-125, $85, CS-925 pair of brass buckles, $35
Because the vamp is covered in regular (but not ceremonial) use by the spats,
you can use for the time being any simple-looking black shoes that approximate
to the square- toed kind. You should ultimately plan to purchase the real thing.
There are better shoes available from other sutlers. Discuss with the Serjeant-Major.
Optional, but useful
Whisk and pick
Period screwdriver or combination tool.
As above with the following changes.
The private soldier
will wear bayonet, but not cartridge box or haversack.
The private soldier will not wear white gloves.
Tricorn hat with
appropriate black cockade.
White fall-front breeches.
(Such as Townsend SP-128 Off-white cotton, $55)
(Townsend: Pair of KB-48C brass knee buckles, $25)
Plain pewter buttons on Townsend model are appropriate.
White stockings such as Townsend SP-754, $8
Black buckled shoes, without half-spatterdashes.
Townsend & Son, Inc
Pierceton IN
Reliable goods.
Excellent color catalog. On line catalog. Items are usually in stock and can
be delivered the same week.
Gedney Godwin
Valley Forge PA
Excellent quality goods, if pricey!
Can be slow supplying goods.
Winston on buttons
April 2002
Pewter buttons for your uniform coats: you might want to check out this page.
I would say we are looking at the 3/4" and 7/8" flat plain pewter buttons. The 7/8" for the lapels, cuffs and pockets and the 3/4 for the collar and epaulette attachment buttons. The pictures of the original coat actually shows a smaller button say 1/2" to hold the collar to the lapel and the epaulette to the collar. But we need to find a good source for that, perhaps either Roy Najecki or Townsend.